Abstract submission

Call for abstract submission

Thank you for considering submitting an abstract and presenting at the conference. The contribution of presenters is critical, and we value your input greatly. We welcome all submissions on topics related to assertive outreach.


Abstract submission has closed for Symposium, Workshop and Oral Presentation. 

EXTENDED DEADLINE for Poster: You are able to submit a Poster until 30th of March 2025. Please send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to obtain a link for submission of poster. 



Topics for abstracts are listed below.

·        Assertive community treatment
·        Assertive outreach
·        Child and adolescents
·        Children and relatives
·        Coercion
·        Collaboration competence/networking
·        Community integration, participatory involvement
·        Co-production/ co-design
·        Crisis services
·        Digital health
·        Dual diagnosis
·        Early detection
·        Early intervention in first episode psychosis
·        Elderly
·        Engagement and adherence
·        Gender identity
·        Health economics
·        Homeless
·        Implementation science
·        Integrated care
·        IPS
·        Justice involvement
·        Lifestyle
·        Lived experience integrated into the leadership
·        Medication adherence
·        Model fidelity
·        Participation and recovery
·        Peer expertise
·        Physical health
·        Poverty
·        Psychotherapy
·        Rehabilitation
·        Social inclusion and citizenship
·        Stigmatization
·        Supported housing
·        Therapeutic relations
·        Trauma treatment
·        Use of medication
·        Virtual reality
·        War


Presentation options

There are four ways to present your abstract:

  • Oral presentation (15-20 minutes)
  • Poster presentation (see poster instructions under top menu)
  • Workshop
  • Symposium
    • Will consist of an overarching symposium followed by 3-4 presentations. (90 minutes)


Submission guidelines

Please note that there are two guidelines and two separate submission links depending on presentation type.


Guidelines for submission of oral presentation, poster and workshop:

Mandatory text fields: 
Relevant Background information - Name, University/organization, e-mail address and country of the presenting author, Title of abstract, List of co-authors, List of affiliations.
Abstract title – Max 25 words.
Choice of presentation type – Oral presentation, poster or workshop.
Abstract structure - Background/Methods/Results/Conclusion - max 250 words.

Guidelines for submission of symposium:

Please note that only the first author of overarching author will be uploading the abstract for all the individual abstracts in the context of the symposium.

Mandatory text fields: 
Relevant Background information - Name, University/organization, e-mail address and country of the presenting author, Title of abstract, List of co-authors, List of affiliations.
Abstract title – Max 25 words.
Relevant Background information – for all authors and presenters - Name, University/organization, e-mail address and country of the presenting author, Title of abstract, List of co-authors, List of affiliations.
Overarching abstract - max 150 words.
Abstract structure for Symposium individual abstracts no 1 - 4 – Title/Background/Methods/Results/Conclusion - max 300 words.

The Congress language is English; your abstract and presentation should adhere to this. 



1 September 2024

     Abstract submission opens

1 February 2025 - NEW DEADLINE

     Deadline for abstract submission

1 March 2025

     Notification about abstract acceptance 



For questions or additional information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.